China's Moon Mission is in route to the Moon after a successful launch.
More information on the Mission when the satellite arrives and enters orbit.

Special Local Space Events:
Further Information when available.
(Still on going planning for Races.)
The Moon Society Phoenix is still working on the Teleprecense Remote Control races.
Check this blog for details as they develop.
We are still discussing set-ups, rules, equipment and sponsorship rules at this time and it appears that the races wont occur until sometime in the late winter or early spring.
All races will be open to all comers, however, judging maybe bases on age and type (cost) of RV Car. If you prefer to buy your own car and practice for the races, then you will need a three (3) channel RC Car that can be purchased at Walmart, Target or another store. You will need a minature TV camera, a transmitter, a receiver and a device to display the picture from the Car so that you can practice driving the Car by use of the TV System only.
In the talking stages are basic racing, advanced races, and the Lunar Challenge, race heats may be run against the clock and/or one on one or more.
If you have comments and suggestions please make your comments to this blog or send them to me at Subject RC Racing.
Demonstrations of the Race Cars will be available at CopperCon32 at the Moon Society Outreach Table.
Further Information when available.
(Still on going planning for Races.)
The Moon Society Phoenix is still working on the Teleprecense Remote Control races.
Check this blog for details as they develop.
We are still discussing set-ups, rules, equipment and sponsorship rules at this time and it appears that the races wont occur until sometime in the late winter or early spring.
All races will be open to all comers, however, judging maybe bases on age and type (cost) of RV Car. If you prefer to buy your own car and practice for the races, then you will need a three (3) channel RC Car that can be purchased at Walmart, Target or another store. You will need a minature TV camera, a transmitter, a receiver and a device to display the picture from the Car so that you can practice driving the Car by use of the TV System only.
In the talking stages are basic racing, advanced races, and the Lunar Challenge, race heats may be run against the clock and/or one on one or more.
If you have comments and suggestions please make your comments to this blog or send them to me at Subject RC Racing.
Demonstrations of the Race Cars will be available at CopperCon32 at the Moon Society Outreach Table.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Pima Air & Space Museum's 50th Anniversary Event
Pima Air & Space Museum's 50th Anniversary Event
Oct 4 2007 (6-9PM) Sputnik: T+50 Years and Counting
The event was well attended and there were a lot of different types of activities: interesting talks and presentations, the Challenger Center was open for visits, telescopes were set up outside, science demonstrations, tables hosted by different space and astronomy groups from the community, and of course all the space-related exhibits.
Since the Challenge Learning Center was involved, there were lots of kids to the event. They were especially drawn to our Moon map...A fun evening for everyone!!
The evening's speakers:
Boris Ivanov:
A Russian physicist who was involved in various aspect of the Russian space program, including the Lunokhod 2 mission as well as missions to Venus in the 1980s.
Robert Mercer:
An Aerospace Research Physicist who contributed to several American Space missions: Lunar Orbiter, Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, USAF MOL, Pioneer 10 and 11, Skylab, Hubble Space Telescope and the Space Shuttle program.
Ewen Whitaker: (see photo below)
Ewen worked as an astronomer at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, Yerkes Observatory and the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory in Tucson, Arizona. He is one of the world's leading expert on mapping the Moon and lunar nomenclature. He is the co-author with Gerard Kuiper and others of the Consolidated Lunar Atlas. Ewen Whitaker is also famous for having determined the exact landing location of the Surveyor 3 spacecraft. This allowed Apollo 12 to land near the Surveyor spacecraft and return pieces from Surveyor 3. This was the first Apollo pinpoint landing.
For more information:
You can see another picture of the event here:
Jim Scotti:
Jim Scotti is a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. As part of his work with the Spacewatch Project, he has discovered hundreds of Earth Approaching Asteroids and three comets which bear his name.
Alan Binder: (see last photo below)
Dr. Binder is a lunar and planetary scientist with over 40 years of experience working with NASA and European Space programs. He was principal investigator on the 1976 Viking Mars Lander. Dr. Binder served as the principal investigator on the Lunar Prospector mission flown in the late 90's. Dr. Binder resides in Tucson and is the founder of the Lunar Research Institute.
Brian Ewenson:
Brian is an Aerospace Education Specialist who has designed, developed and flown student experiments on the Space Shuttle and Space Station. He is currently in charge of the Challenger Learning Center at the Pima Air & Space Museum.
(All photographs by Ben Nault. Copyright reserved.)
Article by Ben Nault
Member: National Space Society
Moon Society
By the way, the glass case in the background of the photo holds a Moon rock returned by Apollo 16.
Both of the photos above show our table with our very nice volunteers. This was a joint National Space Society and Moon Society table.
Oct 4 2007 (6-9PM) Sputnik: T+50 Years and Counting
The event was well attended and there were a lot of different types of activities: interesting talks and presentations, the Challenger Center was open for visits, telescopes were set up outside, science demonstrations, tables hosted by different space and astronomy groups from the community, and of course all the space-related exhibits.
Since the Challenge Learning Center was involved, there were lots of kids to the event. They were especially drawn to our Moon map...A fun evening for everyone!!
The evening's speakers:
Boris Ivanov:
A Russian physicist who was involved in various aspect of the Russian space program, including the Lunokhod 2 mission as well as missions to Venus in the 1980s.
Robert Mercer:
An Aerospace Research Physicist who contributed to several American Space missions: Lunar Orbiter, Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, USAF MOL, Pioneer 10 and 11, Skylab, Hubble Space Telescope and the Space Shuttle program.
Ewen Whitaker: (see photo below)
Ewen worked as an astronomer at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, Yerkes Observatory and the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory in Tucson, Arizona. He is one of the world's leading expert on mapping the Moon and lunar nomenclature. He is the co-author with Gerard Kuiper and others of the Consolidated Lunar Atlas. Ewen Whitaker is also famous for having determined the exact landing location of the Surveyor 3 spacecraft. This allowed Apollo 12 to land near the Surveyor spacecraft and return pieces from Surveyor 3. This was the first Apollo pinpoint landing.
For more information:
You can see another picture of the event here:
Jim Scotti:
Jim Scotti is a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. As part of his work with the Spacewatch Project, he has discovered hundreds of Earth Approaching Asteroids and three comets which bear his name.
Alan Binder: (see last photo below)
Dr. Binder is a lunar and planetary scientist with over 40 years of experience working with NASA and European Space programs. He was principal investigator on the 1976 Viking Mars Lander. Dr. Binder served as the principal investigator on the Lunar Prospector mission flown in the late 90's. Dr. Binder resides in Tucson and is the founder of the Lunar Research Institute.
Brian Ewenson:
Brian is an Aerospace Education Specialist who has designed, developed and flown student experiments on the Space Shuttle and Space Station. He is currently in charge of the Challenger Learning Center at the Pima Air & Space Museum.
(All photographs by Ben Nault. Copyright reserved.)
Article by Ben Nault
Member: National Space Society
Moon Society

Monday, October 8, 2007
Discovery Magazine has published a special edition of the magazine and called it the "HISTORY OF SPACE FLIGHT." It is labeled as the FALL 2007 edition, and is supposed to be displayed until December 1st, an is listed at $7.99 USA and $8.99 Canadian.
Good coverage for the early years and later, although not fully complete. A complete history of Space Travel would most likely be the size of an encyclopedia.
Good coverage for the early years and later, although not fully complete. A complete history of Space Travel would most likely be the size of an encyclopedia.
Simply stated, basic leadership is as follows:
1) Set the standard that needs to be set to reach the goals of the group or organization.
2) Do what you say you're going to do and do it.
3) Never lie about what your goals are in the position that you hold.
1) If you have chosen to be a follower, do what is requested of you to the best of your ability!
2) Be faithful to your group or organization in your actions.
3) If you are asked to do something that you can not do, then let the person that asked you to do it know that you can't - whether it is a technical, ethical or a moral problem.
1) If you don't want to lead or to follow, then stay out of the way so nobody trips over you and does dammage to goals of the group or organization are striving for.
2) Do not make statements that are false and harmful to the group.
3) If you can't do either of the above, then go somewhere else.
Simply stated, basic leadership is as follows:
1) Set the standard that needs to be set to reach the goals of the group or organization.
2) Do what you say you're going to do and do it.
3) Never lie about what your goals are in the position that you hold.
1) If you have chosen to be a follower, do what is requested of you to the best of your ability!
2) Be faithful to your group or organization in your actions.
3) If you are asked to do something that you can not do, then let the person that asked you to do it know that you can't - whether it is a technical, ethical or a moral problem.
1) If you don't want to lead or to follow, then stay out of the way so nobody trips over you and does dammage to goals of the group or organization are striving for.
2) Do not make statements that are false and harmful to the group.
3) If you can't do either of the above, then go somewhere else.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
SCIENTIC AMERICAN Magazine in the October 2007 issues contains the following articles:
1) The Future of Space Exploration.
2) To the Moon and Beyond.
3) Five Essential Things to Do In Space.
There is also an opinion article on page 10 from the Editor.
Also you might want to check out the Updates on page 18.
And there is an additional Opinion piece by the editors on page 40, Racing Past The Moon.
1) The Future of Space Exploration.
2) To the Moon and Beyond.
3) Five Essential Things to Do In Space.
There is also an opinion article on page 10 from the Editor.
Also you might want to check out the Updates on page 18.
And there is an additional Opinion piece by the editors on page 40, Racing Past The Moon.
The Japanese satellite has successfully reached an orbit around the bMoon in a first for the Asian country, Space-Agency officials said Friday.
The $279 million Selenological and Enginering Explorer, or SELENE, is the largest Lunar Mission since the U. S. Apollo program, outpacingthe former Soviet Union's Luna Program.
The Mission, launched last month, involves placing the main satellite in orbit at an altiude of about 60 miles, approximately 100 Kilometers, and deploying two smaller satellites in polar orbits, accordingt to the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA.
The Japanese satellite has successfully reached an orbit around the bMoon in a first for the Asian country, Space-Agency officials said Friday.
The $279 million Selenological and Enginering Explorer, or SELENE, is the largest Lunar Mission since the U. S. Apollo program, outpacingthe former Soviet Union's Luna Program.
The Mission, launched last month, involves placing the main satellite in orbit at an altiude of about 60 miles, approximately 100 Kilometers, and deploying two smaller satellites in polar orbits, accordingt to the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
TUS CON in November
Title: "The Settlement of the Moon in Science Fiction and Facts"
Participants (see bios below):-
Dr. Alan Binder, Lunar Research Institute, author of "Moon Quake"-
Chuck Lesher, author of "Evolution's Child"-
Ben Nault (moderator), president, Tucson L5 Space Society and Moon Society member.
Duration: 2 hours
presentations by each author in the first hour (+/- 30 mins each)
Q&A, and panel discussion during the 2nd hour.
The following is the unofficial schedule. Ben has requested that they schedule the event for Saturday November 10, from 10:00am to Noon. Chuck and Dr. Binder will be available at the Mass Autograph session at about 2:00 pm the same day to meet people and sign their books. Both authors will have books available for purchase.
Tus-Con information: Tus-Con 34 is scheduled for November 9-11, 2007 at the InnSuites Hotel in Tucson, AZConference registration is $45 at the door. It is too late for any other rate/One-days are $20/35/15 for Fri/Sat/Sun. Children (ages 3-12) are 1/2 current adult rates.
Tus-Con website:
Conference hotel info: InnSuites Hotel, 475 North Granada, Tucson AZ 85701
Reservations: 1-877-446-6589, Fax: 520-623-8922, Local: 520-622-3000email: tucsonstmarys@innsuites.comPer night rates are $88 (studio room), $100 (2-room suite) or $109 for a Jacuzzi suite.
Be sure to mention "TusCon Science Fiction Convention" to get these rates. TusCon room block expires on 10/08/2007, so reserve your room early!
Dr. Alan Binder:
Dr. Binder is a space scientist with over 45 years of experience as a lunar and planetary scientist, a spacecraft design and systems engineer, and a lunar base and manned Mars mission designer. He has worked in both the American and European space programs. He was the Principal Investigator for the Lunar Prospector mission. The Lunar Prospector spacecraft returned the first indication of hydrogen at the lunar poles - a possible indication of water ice. He published his first science fiction novel "Moon Quake" in 2006.
Chuck Lesher:
Chuck is an Aerospace Engineer and Materials Scientist. In the summer of 2004, Chuck made the commitment to become a science fiction writer. Since that time he has researched and developed plot lines and characters in the same bulldog fashion that he used to design rockets and computer programs. Chucks' first novel "Evolution's Child" was published earlier in 2007 and he is well into his second novel: "War of Souls". He lives in Chandler, Arizona. Visit his website:
Ben Nault:
Ben has had a life-long interest in space exploration has led to involvement in several space-related projects. Among his public education efforts are several museum exhibits and Kitt Peak National Observatories' educational programs that he set up. He is a published author of magazine articles and is active with several space-related organizations. He has also contributed to NASA's Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. Professionally, he manages software and technical development projects.
Title: "The Settlement of the Moon in Science Fiction and Facts"
Participants (see bios below):-
Dr. Alan Binder, Lunar Research Institute, author of "Moon Quake"-
Chuck Lesher, author of "Evolution's Child"-
Ben Nault (moderator), president, Tucson L5 Space Society and Moon Society member.
Duration: 2 hours
presentations by each author in the first hour (+/- 30 mins each)
Q&A, and panel discussion during the 2nd hour.
The following is the unofficial schedule. Ben has requested that they schedule the event for Saturday November 10, from 10:00am to Noon. Chuck and Dr. Binder will be available at the Mass Autograph session at about 2:00 pm the same day to meet people and sign their books. Both authors will have books available for purchase.
Tus-Con information: Tus-Con 34 is scheduled for November 9-11, 2007 at the InnSuites Hotel in Tucson, AZConference registration is $45 at the door. It is too late for any other rate/One-days are $20/35/15 for Fri/Sat/Sun. Children (ages 3-12) are 1/2 current adult rates.
Tus-Con website:
Conference hotel info: InnSuites Hotel, 475 North Granada, Tucson AZ 85701
Reservations: 1-877-446-6589, Fax: 520-623-8922, Local: 520-622-3000email: tucsonstmarys@innsuites.comPer night rates are $88 (studio room), $100 (2-room suite) or $109 for a Jacuzzi suite.
Be sure to mention "TusCon Science Fiction Convention" to get these rates. TusCon room block expires on 10/08/2007, so reserve your room early!
Dr. Alan Binder:
Dr. Binder is a space scientist with over 45 years of experience as a lunar and planetary scientist, a spacecraft design and systems engineer, and a lunar base and manned Mars mission designer. He has worked in both the American and European space programs. He was the Principal Investigator for the Lunar Prospector mission. The Lunar Prospector spacecraft returned the first indication of hydrogen at the lunar poles - a possible indication of water ice. He published his first science fiction novel "Moon Quake" in 2006.
Chuck Lesher:
Chuck is an Aerospace Engineer and Materials Scientist. In the summer of 2004, Chuck made the commitment to become a science fiction writer. Since that time he has researched and developed plot lines and characters in the same bulldog fashion that he used to design rockets and computer programs. Chucks' first novel "Evolution's Child" was published earlier in 2007 and he is well into his second novel: "War of Souls". He lives in Chandler, Arizona. Visit his website:
Ben Nault:
Ben has had a life-long interest in space exploration has led to involvement in several space-related projects. Among his public education efforts are several museum exhibits and Kitt Peak National Observatories' educational programs that he set up. He is a published author of magazine articles and is active with several space-related organizations. He has also contributed to NASA's Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. Professionally, he manages software and technical development projects.
Thursday evening Oct 4,
The Pima Air & Space Museum is putting together a little public event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Space Age. We will be there to represent not only NSS but also the Moon Society. I will use some of the publicity materials Craig so kindly sent me a few weeks ago. I am serious about starting a Moon Society Chapter here. So, if you hear from anyone in the Tucson area interested in the Moon Society, please send them to me. Maybe we could form an all-Arizona chapter with outposts in Phoenix and Tucson..
To the Moon!Thanks!
Ben Nault
The Pima Air & Space Museum is putting together a little public event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Space Age. We will be there to represent not only NSS but also the Moon Society. I will use some of the publicity materials Craig so kindly sent me a few weeks ago. I am serious about starting a Moon Society Chapter here. So, if you hear from anyone in the Tucson area interested in the Moon Society, please send them to me. Maybe we could form an all-Arizona chapter with outposts in Phoenix and Tucson..
To the Moon!Thanks!
Ben Nault
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