Special Local Space Events:



Further Information when available.

See http://www.leprecon.org/



(Still on going planning for Races.)

The Moon Society Phoenix is still working on the Teleprecense Remote Control races.

Check this blog for details as they develop.

We are still discussing set-ups, rules, equipment and sponsorship rules at this time and it appears that the races wont occur until sometime in the late winter or early spring.

All races will be open to all comers, however, judging maybe bases on age and type (cost) of RV Car. If you prefer to buy your own car and practice for the races, then you will need a three (3) channel RC Car that can be purchased at Walmart, Target or another store. You will need a minature TV camera, a transmitter, a receiver and a device to display the picture from the Car so that you can practice driving the Car by use of the TV System only.

In the talking stages are basic racing, advanced races, and the Lunar Challenge, race heats may be run against the clock and/or one on one or more.

If you have comments and suggestions please make your comments to this blog or send them to me at portercd@msn.com Subject RC Racing.

Demonstrations of the Race Cars will be available at CopperCon32 at the Moon Society Outreach Table.



Monday, December 3, 2007



NASA officials inflated a prototype lunar habitat one last time Nov. 14th at the ILC Dover facility in Frederica, Del., where it was manufactured, before shipping it to be tested in Antarctica, The U.S. Space Agency said in a Nov 14th press release.

The upcoming 13-mounth field trial, from January 2008 to February 2009, will take place at the National Science Foundation-managed McMurdo Station.
“Testing the inflatable habitat in one of the harshest, most remote sites on Earth gives us the opportunity to see what it would be like to use for Lunar exploration,“ Paul Lockhart, director of Constellation Systems at NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate in Washington, said in a prepared statement.

The prototype is one of several possibilities being considered for crew quarters when NASA makes its planned return of astronauts to the Moon, now scheduled for 2020.

The pressurized module contains insulation, heating and power, NASA said. It resembles an “inflatable backyard bounce house for children,” according to the release.

The weighs about 408 kilograms, spokeswoman Melissa Mathews said in a Nov.15th e-mail. The relatively light weight and small stowed volume will leave more room aboard module’s carrier spacecraft for other equipment, NASA said.

“This prototype inflatable habitat can be taken down and redeployed multiple times, and it only takes four crew members a few hours to set up, permitting exploration beyond the initial landing area,” Lockhart said in his statement.

“Taken from “SPACE NEWS”, NEWS BRIEFS dated Nov 26, 2007”

Charles Lee Lesher's Book "EVOLUTION'S CHILD" Wins Award

Congratulations, Chuck

Hi EveryoneSomething exciting happened to me on Saturday morning. I was notified by email that Evolution's Child had garnered Best of the Moon Fiction of 2007 from the Lunar Library -
Out of the Cradle, a web site devoted to all things lunar, fact and fiction. In the link below, you must scroll down almost to the bottom for the fiction section.
Award Excerpt:...All of the books were fun reads as part of the Lunar Library Moon Fiction review project.
“Moon Quake” is published as part of Apogee Books ‘Science Faction’ series of books, and would be considered the hardest science of the works, in the tradition of Arthur C. Clarke. “Moon Blog” is rather contemporary, but then so is “Evolution’s Child”. Ultimately, I’d have to say that “Evolution’s Child” is the most fully developed from a number of perspectives, from philosophical to a not unbelievable future technological society. So while it can be considered controversial, it is at least an explored and reasoned controversy, not a reactionary one. “Evolution’s Child” is the Best of the Moon Fiction of 2007.
Its not a Hugo or Nebula award but its better than a kick in the head! Here is a link to the review posted Oct 6 on the Lunar Library:
Review Excerpt:Lazarus Sheffield is a man on the edge. A high level analyst in the Department of Homeland Security, he's finally had enough and decides to bolt to the Moon, a place of freedom in his mind. The year is 2092......This is a complex book. It takes a very strong position, and one that does not look kindly on fundamentalism... this may throw off some readers. If you don't like your theology being questioned... then this book is not for you. For more tolerant folk, this is quite a story that keeps building and building to the climax... I'll give this one a waning Full Moon.
Go through the list of reviews and look at how many Full Moons are given out. Not many!
Thanks Everyone!!!Chuck

Thursday, November 15, 2007



In the Valley of the Sun there are severakl Rocketry Club, two of which are mentioned in a Republic Article in Section E of the Republic today, Thursday, November 15th.

Those two clubs are the:

1) Superstition Spacemodeling Society

2) Hillbilly Rocketry

3) Also there are groups of Boy Scouts and other adults that launch model rockets.

For further information contact the clubs mentioned above contact them at their websites.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


China's Moon Mission is in route to the Moon after a successful launch.

More information on the Mission when the satellite arrives and enters orbit.

Monday, October 22, 2007


The following article appeared in Aviation Week and Space Technology this week.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pima Air & Space Museum's 50th Anniversary Event

Pima Air & Space Museum's 50th Anniversary Event
Oct 4 2007 (6-9PM) Sputnik: T+50 Years and Counting

The event was well attended and there were a lot of different types of activities: interesting talks and presentations, the Challenger Center was open for visits, telescopes were set up outside, science demonstrations, tables hosted by different space and astronomy groups from the community, and of course all the space-related exhibits.

Since the Challenge Learning Center was involved, there were lots of kids to the event. They were especially drawn to our Moon map...A fun evening for everyone!!

The evening's speakers:

Boris Ivanov:

A Russian physicist who was involved in various aspect of the Russian space program, including the Lunokhod 2 mission as well as missions to Venus in the 1980s.

Robert Mercer:

An Aerospace Research Physicist who contributed to several American Space missions: Lunar Orbiter, Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, USAF MOL, Pioneer 10 and 11, Skylab, Hubble Space Telescope and the Space Shuttle program.

Ewen Whitaker: (see photo below)

Ewen worked as an astronomer at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, Yerkes Observatory and the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory in Tucson, Arizona. He is one of the world's leading expert on mapping the Moon and lunar nomenclature. He is the co-author with Gerard Kuiper and others of the Consolidated Lunar Atlas. Ewen Whitaker is also famous for having determined the exact landing location of the Surveyor 3 spacecraft. This allowed Apollo 12 to land near the Surveyor spacecraft and return pieces from Surveyor 3. This was the first Apollo pinpoint landing.

For more information:http://history.nasa.gov/SP-350/ch-5-4.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ewen_Whitaker
You can see another picture of the event here: http://pixofmyuniverse.blogspot.com/2007/10/ewen-whitaker.html

Jim Scotti:

Jim Scotti is a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. As part of his work with the Spacewatch Project, he has discovered hundreds of Earth Approaching Asteroids and three comets which bear his name.

Alan Binder: (see last photo below)

Dr. Binder is a lunar and planetary scientist with over 40 years of experience working with NASA and European Space programs. He was principal investigator on the 1976 Viking Mars Lander. Dr. Binder served as the principal investigator on the Lunar Prospector mission flown in the late 90's. Dr. Binder resides in Tucson and is the founder of the Lunar Research Institute.

Brian Ewenson:

Brian is an Aerospace Education Specialist who has designed, developed and flown student experiments on the Space Shuttle and Space Station. He is currently in charge of the Challenger Learning Center at the Pima Air & Space Museum.

(All photographs by Ben Nault. Copyright reserved.)
Article by Ben Nault
Member: National Space Society
Moon Society


By the way, the glass case in the background of the photo holds a Moon rock returned by Apollo 16.

Both of the photos above show our table with our very nice volunteers. This was a joint National Space Society and Moon Society table.

Ewen Whitaker:

Alan Binder:

Monday, October 8, 2007


Discovery Magazine has published a special edition of the magazine and called it the "HISTORY OF SPACE FLIGHT." It is labeled as the FALL 2007 edition, and is supposed to be displayed until December 1st, an is listed at $7.99 USA and $8.99 Canadian.

Good coverage for the early years and later, although not fully complete. A complete history of Space Travel would most likely be the size of an encyclopedia.




Simply stated, basic leadership is as follows:



1) Set the standard that needs to be set to reach the goals of the group or organization.
2) Do what you say you're going to do and do it.
3) Never lie about what your goals are in the position that you hold.


1) If you have chosen to be a follower, do what is requested of you to the best of your ability!
2) Be faithful to your group or organization in your actions.
3) If you are asked to do something that you can not do, then let the person that asked you to do it know that you can't - whether it is a technical, ethical or a moral problem.


1) If you don't want to lead or to follow, then stay out of the way so nobody trips over you and does dammage to goals of the group or organization are striving for.
2) Do not make statements that are false and harmful to the group.
3) If you can't do either of the above, then go somewhere else.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


SCIENTIC AMERICAN Magazine in the October 2007 issues contains the following articles:

1) The Future of Space Exploration.

2) To the Moon and Beyond.

3) Five Essential Things to Do In Space.

There is also an opinion article on page 10 from the Editor.
Also you might want to check out the Updates on page 18.
And there is an additional Opinion piece by the editors on page 40, Racing Past The Moon.



The Japanese satellite has successfully reached an orbit around the bMoon in a first for the Asian country, Space-Agency officials said Friday.

The $279 million Selenological and Enginering Explorer, or SELENE, is the largest Lunar Mission since the U. S. Apollo program, outpacingthe former Soviet Union's Luna Program.

The Mission, launched last month, involves placing the main satellite in orbit at an altiude of about 60 miles, approximately 100 Kilometers, and deploying two smaller satellites in polar orbits, accordingt to the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

TUS CON in November

Title: "The Settlement of the Moon in Science Fiction and Facts"
Participants (see bios below):-
Dr. Alan Binder, Lunar Research Institute, author of "Moon Quake"-
Chuck Lesher, author of "Evolution's Child"-
Ben Nault (moderator), president, Tucson L5 Space Society and Moon Society member.
Duration: 2 hours
presentations by each author in the first hour (+/- 30 mins each)
Q&A, and panel discussion during the 2nd hour.
The following is the unofficial schedule. Ben has requested that they schedule the event for Saturday November 10, from 10:00am to Noon. Chuck and Dr. Binder will be available at the Mass Autograph session at about 2:00 pm the same day to meet people and sign their books. Both authors will have books available for purchase.
Tus-Con information: Tus-Con 34 is scheduled for November 9-11, 2007 at the InnSuites Hotel in Tucson, AZConference registration is $45 at the door. It is too late for any other rate/One-days are $20/35/15 for Fri/Sat/Sun. Children (ages 3-12) are 1/2 current adult rates.
Tus-Con website: http://home.earthlink.net/~basfa/
Conference hotel info: InnSuites Hotel, 475 North Granada, Tucson AZ 85701
Reservations: 1-877-446-6589, Fax: 520-623-8922, Local: 520-622-3000email: tucsonstmarys@innsuites.comPer night rates are $88 (studio room), $100 (2-room suite) or $109 for a Jacuzzi suite.
Be sure to mention "TusCon Science Fiction Convention" to get these rates. TusCon room block expires on 10/08/2007, so reserve your room early!
Dr. Alan Binder:
Dr. Binder is a space scientist with over 45 years of experience as a lunar and planetary scientist, a spacecraft design and systems engineer, and a lunar base and manned Mars mission designer. He has worked in both the American and European space programs. He was the Principal Investigator for the Lunar Prospector mission. The Lunar Prospector spacecraft returned the first indication of hydrogen at the lunar poles - a possible indication of water ice. He published his first science fiction novel "Moon Quake" in 2006.
Chuck Lesher:
Chuck is an Aerospace Engineer and Materials Scientist. In the summer of 2004, Chuck made the commitment to become a science fiction writer. Since that time he has researched and developed plot lines and characters in the same bulldog fashion that he used to design rockets and computer programs. Chucks' first novel "Evolution's Child" was published earlier in 2007 and he is well into his second novel: "War of Souls". He lives in Chandler, Arizona. Visit his website: http://charleslesher.com/
Ben Nault:
Ben has had a life-long interest in space exploration has led to involvement in several space-related projects. Among his public education efforts are several museum exhibits and Kitt Peak National Observatories' educational programs that he set up. He is a published author of magazine articles and is active with several space-related organizations. He has also contributed to NASA's Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. Professionally, he manages software and technical development projects.


Thursday evening Oct 4,

The Pima Air & Space Museum is putting together a little public event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Space Age. We will be there to represent not only NSS but also the Moon Society. I will use some of the publicity materials Craig so kindly sent me a few weeks ago. I am serious about starting a Moon Society Chapter here. So, if you hear from anyone in the Tucson area interested in the Moon Society, please send them to me. Maybe we could form an all-Arizona chapter with outposts in Phoenix and Tucson..

To the Moon!Thanks!

Ben Nault

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Premier of "In the Shadow of the Moon"

Friday afternoon and evening, September 28th, I attended the premier of Ron Howard's "In The Shadow Of The Moon", a documentry of the Astronauts personal feelings on/of going to the Moon, with Dr. Sky.
I thourghly enjoyed the movie, remembering many of the public events, of the "Race to the Moon". The day of the first landing on the Moon, I watched on the TV in th Transist Aiman's Quarters at Misawa Air Base, Japan. I was just processing into the Field Traiing Detatchment at Misawa AB for a three year tour as an Instructor on Air Borne Weapons Control Systems for the F-4D aircraft.
After each of the two showings that we were there for Dr Sky gave a short presentation and answered questions for the audiance and then presented gifts to selected members of the audiance. Selection was by ticket stub, typical door prize procedures.
But during the Q and A session after the second showing on of the members of the audiance asked the question "Why should we go back to the Moon?" Between Dr. Sky and myself, we attempted to answer the question in terms that would not appear to put the asker down, specifically because it is a very important question that needs proper answering.
Esentially, we need to go back to the Moon for several reasons:
1) We need the resources of the Moon for several reasons;
a) We need the Helium Three for generation of energy.
b) We need the metals of the Moon for our constructions in Space, it is ten percent of the
cost to use materials manufactured from metals mined on the Moon compared to items
made on the Earth and thrown into Low Earth Orbit.
c) We will need the recources to build the communities on the Moon that are as self
sufficient as possible and allow the residents to enjoy an enjoyable and productive life.
2) We need the Moon as a testing ground for equipment to be used on other bodies of the Solar
System to prove the design and function in as nearly a safe manner as possible.
3) We need the "High Ground" militarilly also so that we don't find ourselves having to fight an
uphill battle some time in the future. This will assure that the Moon is used only for
peacefull purposes.
Visit Dr Sky at his web site http://www.drsky.com/.


EVOLUTIONS CHILD, Republic of Luna is an exceptional piece of future science as I have read in some time. It is set in the near future of this century toward it’s close. It is well thought out work that develops the scientific thoughts and developments that are only now being developed. The advanced uses of the technology are well used in the story of a Lunar Republic beset by religious dogma that has existed for millennia. This story portrays what happens socially and technically as primarily extreme religious factions collide with a republic that is not beset with a religious fervor of its own, just their belief in their right to live the way they chose without threat to themselves. Their response to the threat is well answered by their use of technology including Bioengineering, Mining, Mechanical and Molecular Engineering.

Craig D. Porter
MSgt USAF Retired
Moon Society of Phoenix

Thursday, September 27, 2007

MOVIE PREMIER "In the Shadow of the Moon"

Friday, September 28th, The Moon Society will be at the premier of the new Ron Howard Movie "In the Shadow of the Moon".

First showing will be at 4:40 PM and a second showing at 7:35 PM. "Dr. Sky" will be giving a talk at the end of the movie and will give away prizes.

See you at the movies.

Monday, September 10, 2007



The Science-Fiction Convention was held the second week end of September.
A large number of people stopped by the Moon Society Table to pickup information packets and ask questions and comment on the table set up.

This is the basic table setup with only one table available. The table was located next to the entrance door to the Dealer's Room and every person entering the Room had to pass by.

Chuck Lesher, member of the Moon Society, Rocket Engineer, Materials Scientist and Author explains the Moon Society to an interested Couple and answers their questions. Chuck's Book "Evolutions Child" is available on Amazon.com.

On Sunday the Nationally and Internationally known Entertainer, Educator and Emcee, "Dr. Sky" stopped by for a visit prior to his Space tourism Presentation for the Con. Information on"Dr Sky" may be found on http://www.drsky.com/.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


CopperCon27 is this weekend at Embassy Suites North, 2577 West Greenway, Phoenix.
This is just east of I17 & Greenway, on the South side of Greenway, it is the first entrance.

The Moon Society will again be present to answer questions, hand out material and fliers.

There will be presentions at the Con dealing with the Moon, and Space and the exploration thereof, come enjoy yourselves and stop by and see us.


Space fest wrapped up weekend before last with a great turnout and a lot of excitement.

Monday, August 20, 2007


SPACEFEST 2007 is over, there were three days of lectures about Space, lots of Astronauts to sign autographs and take pictures with and of. Along with lots of Vendors and information booths.

For those that missed it, you missed a good time.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Is that a light on the Moon!

This is a presentation given by Mr Lesher earlier this year and he has graciously allowed me to put it in my blog for you to enjoy!

Is that a light on the moon!

By Charles Lesher

One night in the not so distant future, Americans will look up to behold lights burning on the darkside of the moon... but whose will they be? I question if America has the tenacity to build a permanent presence on the moon. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are draining our resources leaving very little for anything else and the investment in the infrastructure necessary to create a self-sufficient outpost on the moon is substantial over many years and many governments. Budgets agreed upon in one Congress, are radically altered, or canceled in the next. I fear the first lights on the moon will not be American. We simply do not have the political will to see it through.

Many reasonable and intelligent people ask why should we care? America has enough to worry about with problems right here in front of us. They say that money for space colonization would be better spent feeding the hungry, obtaining medical care for everyone, solving the energy crisis, and a hundred other issues that are without question, very important. I submit that this is a very shortsighted view. Space has the resources not only to make it profitable, but highly desirable, to go there. Solar energy alone could solve the world’s dependence on oil. There are asteroids the size of mountains made of iron and nickel, resources we have not begun to tap and most importantly, elbow room to expand.

Earth is like a potted plant that is becoming root bound. 6.6 billion people share this planet with more arriving every day. I have read predictions that population in 2050 will stabilize around 10 billion. Others say it could exceed 20 billion. While world population skyrockets, oil dependence weakens America even as it triggers climate change and rising sea levels. Where will we find the food, water, and housing for all of these people under such conditions? How will we cope with wars fought over basic necessities? Where can we go to relieve this pressure? Humanity occupies every continent. There are no more New Worlds to explore and claim for our own. Or are there?

Americans should be aware that others are eyeing the moon with lustful intent. China, Japan, India, and the European Union all have aggressive plans to establish a permanent lunar colony sometime in the early ‘20s. Currently, America’s space plan calls for a return mission in 2015 and a permanent base by 2024. Instead of properly funding the effort, the Bush administration has borrowed from Peter to pay Paul, forcing NASA to restructure its internal budget to fund the Presidents directive. Planetary science missions, climate studies, and a host of other valuable and needed projects, find themselves strapped for cash or worse, cancelled entirely. With the situation we find ourselves in, I have grave doubts that America can sustain the funding necessary to put lights on the moon.

As a child, I watched Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon. I consumed science fiction paperback novels and was hooked on Star Trek. In the summer of ‘69 nothing seemed impossible and I wanted to be part of humanity’s expansion into the high frontier. I believed it was inevitable. Today, I don’t think it will be Americans turning on the lights of the New World and this failure will mark the end of American leadership. It will be other nations who profit, other people who push the boundaries, others who lead… We will follow…

Here is where I find one glimmer of hope remaining. America is a nation of responders. We allow ourselves to be distracted until something comes along that shakes us out of our lethargy. Only then will we mobilize. It has happened before. In 1957, Americans were cruising on autopilot having won WWII, gotten a handle on the Korea War, and enjoying an economy humming along nicely. Then along came Sputnik, shaking America to its core. That night, Americans looked up to behold a shooting star in the heavens.

To some of them, this was a Russian invasion, an in-your-face threat to their way of life. America responded by not only catching up with the Russians, but in surpassing them. Twelve years after Sputnik, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. Those dozen years encompass some of the most vibrant technical growth in the history of science. America still enjoys the fruits of that labor. However, we failed to follow our success and let the achievement pass into history. But if humanity can avoid Armageddon, someday a nation will make the sacrifice and claim Luna for their own.

Until then, I visit the moon everyday in my dreams, writing about people living in a society not yet realized. They face the same evils we face today, religion threatening to consume democracy, an American president who would be king, and a Muslim empire growing increasingly strong and intolerant. They struggle through their lives and fight for their freedoms just as citizens have done throughout history. Writing speculative fiction is my way of realizing my dream, my way of sharing hope for our future.

Charles Lesher is the author of Evolution’s Child, a speculative fiction novel about the near future, available at all major online and walkup outlets. Mr. Lesher holds a BS in Aerospace Engineering and an MS in Materials Science.

Friday, August 3, 2007



For all of these answers see the listing below:

How many landings on the Moon have occurred since the beginning of the exploration of Space?

What countries made those landings?

Were the landings successful?

Were they Hard or Soft?

Which were Manned?

1959:..Lunar 2......Sept 12.....Impact........................Russia
..........Lunar 3......Oct 4.........Probe..........................Russia
1962:..Ranger 4....Apr 23.......Impact........................USA
1964:..Ranger 6....Jan 30.......Impact.......................USA
..........Ranger 7....Jul 28........Impact........................USA
1965:..Ranger 8....Feb 17.......Impact........................USA
..........Ranger 9....Mar 21.......Impact........................USA
..........Lunar 5......May 9........Impact........................Russia
..........Lunar 6......Jun 8.........Attempted Lander....Russia
..........Lunar 7......Oct 4..........Impact........................Russia
..........Lunar 8......Dec 3.........Impact........................Russia
1966:..Lunar 9......Jan 31........Lander........................Russia
..........Surveyor 1.May 30.......Lander........................USA
..........Surveyor 2.Sep 20.......Attempted Lander....USA
..........Lunar 13.....Dec 21......Lander.........................Russia
1967:..Surveyor 3.Apr 17.......Lander........................USA
..........Surveyor 4.Jul 14.........Attempted Lander....USA
..........Surveyor 5.Sept 8........Lander.........................USA
..........Surveyor 6.Nov 7.........Lander.........................USA
1968:..Surveyor 7.Jan 7.........Lander.........................USA
..........Zond 5.......Sept 15......Return Probe..............Russia
..........Zond 6.......Nov 10.......Return Probe.............Russia
1969:..Apollo 11....Jul 16.......Crewed Lander.........USA
..........Zond 7........Aug 7.......Return Probe.............Russia
..........Apollo 12....Nov 14.......Crewed Lander.........USA
1970:..Lunar 16....Sept 12......Lander........................Russia
..........Zond 8.......Oct 20.......Return Probe.............Russia
..........Lunar 17....Nov 10......Rover..........................Russia
1971:..Apollo 14....Jan 31......Crewed Lander..........USA
..........Apollo 15....Jul 26........Crewed Lander..........USA
..........Lunar 18....Sept 2........Impact........................Russia
1972:..Lunar 20....Feb 14.......Lander........................Russia
..........Apollo 16....Apr 16.......Crewed Lander.........USA
..........Apollo 17....Dec 7........Crewed Lander.........USA
1973:..Lunar 21....Jan 8..........Rover..........................Russia
1974:..Lunar 23....Oct 28........Lander.......................Russia
1976:..Lunar 24....Aug 14.......Sample Return..........Russia

Wednesday, August 1, 2007



How many landings on the Moon have occurred since the beginning of the exploration of Space?

What countries made those landings?

Were the landings successful?

Were they Hard or Soft?

Which were Manned?

Answers Friday, August 3rd.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


ULP is a MOON Society Innitiative
  • However it will function with full autonomy, with its own Board of Directors and Officers.
  • It will have its own budget and financing.
  • All space advocacy organizations are invited to cosponsor through collaboration on various levels (check our website for the current sponsor list)
  • Institutional sponsors are welcome on areas of research and student projects.
  • Colleges, universities, individual university departments are invited to support this effort as a way to enhance and/or compliment their own research programs.
  • Industrial corporations and other enterprises of any kind are invited to support this effort.
  • To discuss ways in which you can participate, just send an e-mail message to koknmmm@aol,com and/or daviddunlop@gmail.com


  • A "grass roots" effort of those who believe the Moon has a significant role to play in our future.
  • United in activities aimed at providing Lunar pioneers with tools that they will need to succeed.
  • So that they can get off to a great start.


  • Any and all projects that engage youth. The current generationwill soon retire. If we do not replace ourselves, its all over.
  • There is an urgent need to do what we can to get the instruments flown that will help complete the "economic geography" of the Moon's resources and physical assets of economic significance.


  • Any project as vast and comprehensive as this can be advanced by a "Friends of" Organization
  • The focus of such a group is to compliment the projects and programs of the ULP - not to replace or duplicate services.
  • The Friends can arrange introduction parties, educational events & organize fundraising efforts.
  • The Friends can set up speaking engagements, receptions, workshops, seminars and conferences.
  • The Friends can do public out reach to increase recognation, understanding, and support for the ULP's vision, goals, and projects.
  • The Friends can arrainge award ceremonies in recognition of outstanding in research.
  • The Moon Society and other space activist societies can help set up this "Friends of" group.


Saturday, July 28, 2007


  • Diverse projects
  • In a large number of categories


  • We need a team of many individuals to oversee work proposed and in progress in many areas
  • A number of team-maintained website directives


  • That can't be helped
  • But everthing we accomplish will help advance the Dawn of a vigorous Lunar Frontier
  • The more we get done, the stronger the frontier


  • Our work can help change the situation.
  • This is a dream that is up to us to realize.
  • We owe it to ourselves and our children.
  • It is a plan that will guide our successors.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Focused on Students & Enterprise

# Lunarpedia.org - An open-source online Moon-focused Encyclopedia launched in January 2007.
# Data Mining Projects, gaining fresh insights from data of lunar missions already flown.
# "Spin-up" Enterprises - Doing the R&D for technologies needed on the Moon - now - for the sake of profitable terrestrial applications, thus putting these techonoligies "on the shelf," with the bill for the R&D paid for by consumers.
# Listing Masters & Doctorial Theses Topics that address specific research holes - engage students.
# Targeted College Engineering & Design Competitions & Contests - engage students
# Research-focused Curricula - engage students
# Envelope pushing Workshops
# Involving Universities and Corporations
# Lunar Analog Research Stations

At Universities and Colleges, in Corporate Labs


  • This is an open-source project to which anyone who believes the Moon has a place in our future is welcome to find a way to contribute.
  • ULP will complement the work of NASA, ESA JAXA, ISRO and other national space agencies


  • What gets done depends on the interests, talent and energies of those who choose to participate
  • This could be your project!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


  • Made-on-Luna art media
  • Made-on-Luna musical instruments
  • Lunar performing arts forms


  • Vehicles for pressurized roadways
  • Design surface highways and various vehicles
  • Design self-help roadway service stations, etc.
  • Lunar railway & Cableway systems
  • Human-powered cycles for 1/6th Gravity
  • Suborbital transports and runways


  • Sports designed for 1/6th Gravity
  • Dance forms for 1/6th Gravity
  • Exposed surface recreation and sporting activities


  • Compact full-function hospitals
  • Frontier first aid kits and systems
  • Research in LEO facilities with 1/6th Gravity for early cues to physiological & other health problems
  • Nutritional diets for 1/6th Gravity


  • Production-support for seniors, youth, etc.
  • Tasks to outsource to teleoperators on Earth to free others for export/domestic production needs
  • Tasks for the antisocial element


  • Determine criteria for phasing in home rule
  • Earth Political, Economic, Cultural, Relations

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


  • Concrete, ceramics, cast basalt
  • Glass, glass fiber, glass composites
  • Ceramics options
  • Metal alloys


  • Modular architecture system
  • Surface structure architecture
  • Shielding systems and Flare Sheds
  • Warehouse Systems
  • Construction systems that minimize EVA
  • Low gravity Stair/ladder design


Agriculture and Food Processing

  • Development of new hybrids
  • Biological diversification project
  • Wild Areas Project
  • Food processing
  • Biomass waste recycling
  • Fiber production
  • Pharmaceutical production
  • Climate options

Lunar Biospherics Research

  • Modular biospheres to enable in step growth
  • Graywater and blackwqater systems
  • Enviromental protection protocols

Saturday, July 21, 2007


  • "Econimic Geogrophy" of Lunar resources
  • Identification of logical Transportation Corridors
  • Ground Truth landers & rovers
  • Data Mining Projects (missions already flown)
  • Feature and Place Name Registry
  • Areas of Geological, Senic Historical Value


  • Helium 3 extraction, handling, shipping
  • Lunar Solar Power Systems
  • Power Storage System
  • Dayspan/Nightspan Operations
  • Recycling of embodied energy
  • Energy efficiency research
  • Industrial parks organized into thermal cascades
  • Lunar sourceable fuels for generators, vehicles
  • Mass driver systems for bulk exports
  • Mass catcher systems for bulk imports


  • Farside radio astronomy
  • Optical astronomy installations
  • Amateur Telescopes for Lunan pioneers


  • Mining & Processing Technologies
  • Lunar-deficient elements - alternative sources
  • Lunar Satellite systems
  • Water-conserving Manufacturing
  • Dust control systems
  • Lunar-Appropriate Industrial Design
  • Disassembly-friendly assembly to enable recycling

Friday, July 20, 2007



There will be no Earth-Moon Economy, no Lunar Frontier, and no University of Luna on the Moon if we do not learn more about the Moon now, and predevelop now the key technologies to progress from an outpost to enterprise-based frontier. To address this, we (the Moon Society, National Space Society and the Lunar Reclamation Society) have created The University of Luna Project.

Our Vision: The growth and development of an Earth/Moon economy involving genuine international civilian settlements.

Our Mission: foster the research and development of technologies needed to create an Earth/Moon Economy that uses lunar and space based resourcesto address the critical energy and enviromental problems of the earth.

Our Strategy: the "University of Luna Project"
  • A catalyst for student involvement in pursuit of innovative ways to meet technology challenges and encouraging student entrepreneurship.
  • Encouraging private and commercial approaches alongside the work of national space agengies.
  • Leverage the resources of existing educational instuitions, government agencies, and industry.
  • Facilitate web-based global access to information on the Moon and to means of participation.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007



The “Mass Drivers”, or as they are sometimes called “Rail Guns”, be built on the moon from plans supplied by engineers on the Earth. They can use materials taken from the Lunar Surface and processed in the Lunar Facility that will have to be built to process the metals.

Parts for the initial Mass Driver can be included on the Cargo vehicle that transports the station’s equipment to the Lunar Surface. Even portions of the frame for the multiple-body Cargo Landers can be used as part of the Mass Driver System


The initial Construction Quarters may be either inflatable Igloos or Quonset Huts. The Quarters may be fabricated in a similar way to the “Space Tugs”. Designed and assembled on Earth inflated in the factory with dry Nitrogen to check for any leaks and the basic workmanship of the assemblers. The assembly will have a couple of entrances and both will have airlocks to save on atmospheric gases. It will also have an atmosphere scrubbing station for recovery of Oxygen and Water Vapor, and a communications suite for talking to the Orbital Stations and workman on the surface on the Moon. It will also need the Radar and Laser suite for Landing Approach and Control of incoming Landers and the departure of Landers returning to the Orbiter.

All of the equipment for the Construction Quarters can be designed to fit into suitcase sized transportation cases and brought inside through the air locks and connected to cabling designed into the Quarters on the Earth.

An alternate method would be to have inflateable “ribs” in the facility that could be inflated with out the facility itself being pressurized and when all of the equipment is inside the airlocks closed and the facility pressurized.

Sunday, July 8, 2007



The “Orbital Service Station” should be a hub that fuel tanks and “Boost Vehicles” can be firmly connected to and spun up to a few tenths of a “g” for recovering the left over fuel. There can be four or six positions on the “Fuel Depot” two of them permanently connected to a couple of fuel tanks to store the recovered fuel for later use.

Among the fuels stored at the “Fuel Depot” would be the standard Fuel Compound, The standard Oxidizer and Hydrogen Peroxide for the various requirements of the vehicles in need of refueling while in orbit.

The axis that the “Fuel Depot” should rotate around and be pointed directly toward the Space Station for safety reasons or be firmly fixed to the Space Station by a long truss to hold it in position.


The “Processing Machines” will have to be designed to gather the regolith and separate the various compounds for refinement later at the facility designated to do the separation process. After processing the metals into “slugs” of the base metal and storing the gases in storage tanks designed to hold them, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Helium, etc.

The initial design work for some of these machines has already been done. Further design work will make the process more economical and faster to complete.

Friday, July 6, 2007



The basic design is already done for the small two to four manned “Lunar Lander”, the original LEM can be upgraded for the new “Lunar Lander”. The new “Lunar Lander” will require a capability of landing a large mass on the Lunar surface. The mass landed by this Lander will consist of the materials for the “Construction Shack”, “Construction Equipment”, Supplies, Extra Fuel for the initial Lunar side “Fuel Depot” and the construction Personnel.

This Lander may be assembled in Earth Orbit and then “flown” to Lunar Orbit where the final preparations can be made at the Lunar Orbital Station. Preparation could include removal of empty fuel and Oxidizer tanks for use by the Lunar Orbital Station and final check prior to the landing sequence. This vehicle may be manned or remote controlled, but will land at a spot on Lunar surface already selected for its suitability. The site will have a Radar reflector to ensure that the Lander can lock onto it and descend to that target spot. For further landings this landing spot will be the “Space Port” for manned landings and takeoffs.

The initial landing may require two or more Landers to ferry down the equipment. The Landers will become part of the initial settlement structure except for Landers that are designed to be ferries between the Settlement and Lunar Orbit.

The Cargo Lander may be build by bringing together five or more Titan V type Lift vehicles. The Vehicles should be built into one large vehicle for transferring their cargo to the Lunar Surface. As a single vehicle it can land as a single unit and then use its size to aid in lowering the different individual vehicles to a horizontal position after their Tanks have been emptied and the fuel and Oxidizer has been stored in the “Fuel Depot”.
As each vehicle is lowered to a horizontal position a carrier can be placed under it to transport it to its assigned position in the “Lunar Surface Station”. After all the separate Vehicles have been lowered to the surface and positioned the frame of the Landing Vehicle can be disassembled and then reassembled as a “small Initial Mass Driver”. Part of the equipment to build the “Lunar Surface Station” will be the shell of the “Cargo Landers” and other parts can be “Inflatable Tunnels, personnel Quarters or larger work areas. The maximum economically feasible use should be the target of planning for this construction.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007



The “Transfer Vehicles” or “Taxis” or even “Buses” could be designed in much the same way that the “Space Tugs” are designed, only on a larger scale. “Taxis” would require room for up to six passengers and “Buses” would require room for a dozen or more for short inter-earth-orbital travel. They probably will require several packages for assembly and would use the same fuel that the Lifters into orbit use and would be refueled at the Fuel Depot using the remaining fuel from the lift vehicles. The electronics would be upgraded for long range communication with both Earth and Lunar Orbital Stations as well as the Ground bases, also the Radar and Laser systems will need to be upgraded for the greater distances involved. The Inertial referencing system will also have to be upgraded to make navigation easier.

The Frame should have “hatches” that can be opened for access to the cargo that needs to be shuttled to or from the Lunar Station and/or have a passenger compartment built into the vehicle for ferrying personnel to the Lunar Orbital Station for replacement for transfer down to the Lunar Station. This Vehicle can also be used to bring tourists up to Lunar Orbit from the Earth Orbital Tourist Hotel. If it is decided to use the “Buses” or “Taxis” for trips to the Lunar Orbital station then the might need to be modified for the extra fuel requirements. If in the future a decision to land the “Taxis” or “Buses” on the Lunar surface then special retro rocket systems can be developed for use on the “Lunar Landers” to facilitate the landing on the surface.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


To all of you have a very Happy fourth of July Holiday.

Please be safe and enjoy.




The “Space Tugs” can be designed and built on the Earth by fabricating the frame at a factory on Earth and attaching it to the Fuel Tank, Fuel Control, Engines, Control Cab and Electronics. The frame may be designed to be inflated with expanding foam filler that will make the frame rigid once it is in orbit and initiated. To inflate it would require that it be released from the cargo rocket and unwrapped, the “Tug” would then be inflated to give it form then an injectable plastic Resin/Foam would be released into the frame of the “Space Tug”.

The ‘Bigelow’ method is a good start to this kind of construction. Note; inflateable buildings have been used by the US Military since the Vietnam War and before for emergency field hospitals along with civilian uses since then. The electronic controls would contain an attitude reference, short range radar and laser lock on and range position targets, other items in the general vicinity, Laser and UHF communi- cations to the Space Station, the crews on the delivery vehicles, and orbital lift vehicles or “Transfer Vehicles.”

The Rocket propulsion system of the “Space Tug” can be Hydrogen Peroxide for simplicity and reliability. Also, there can be small strap on Solid Fuel Rockets for use in a backup roll for larger masses. The Hydrogen Peroxide would also be used in the attitude thrusters and would be available at the orbital “Fuel Depot”. To conserve fuel the “Space Tug” could deploy a cable and/or small solid state retrorockets to be attached to the arriving vehicle to bring it into any receiving area that is desired.

Monday, July 2, 2007


My computer crashed three weeks ago this tuesday. I had it in the shop for repair and recovery of data.

The problem is I am still trying to recover files and prepare them for posting.

Please bear with me and I will get it back up to speed as soon as I can.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007



First we need to pull together a majority of the companies in the United States to form a company that can and will serve as the builder of a Commercial Space Station, Space Hotel, and the Lunar Settlements. This Company can also bid for the resupply missions to the ISS when the Shuttle is no longer flown by NASA. Let’s arbitrarily call this company the “Lunar Settlement Corporation” for Mission Defining Name.

The basic systems that can be used generally already exist, at least in the design stages, except for the “Space Tug” and even it has been shown in previous articles on how to work in space. The orbital “Service Station” and the “Transfer Vehicle”, these will need to be designed. The “Service Station” for extracting the extra fuel left in the main tanks of the lift vehicle for using in the fueling of the “Transfer Vehicles”. Also, a “Mass Driver” built in the Mountains of the Western United States can be used to place “Hard” Cargo in Earth Orbit for docking to the Commercial Space Station or the ISS after a final burn to match orbit. Humans, “Soft” Cargo, will have to be placed in orbit using the vehicles of the “Space Tourism” Business either in Contract with the “Lunar Settlement Corporation” or for their own Tourism Businesses.

The prototype of the “Construction Vehicles” already exist as “Moon Buggies”, they will work with minor and some major modifications. An Initial “Survival Hut” for the construction team can be the “Landing Vehicle” or an “Inflatable Igloo” or “Quonset Hut” that can be quickly covered with the Moon’s Regolith, the surface material, with one of the construction vehicles. This will allow the construction Crew a safe Habitat for the initial building of the Lunar Station.

With the material from the “Cargo Landers” that will deliver the material for the construction can then build the first permanent Lunar Station, the Initial Fuel Depot for the Lunar Excursion Vehicles and the Processing Machines to start on the extraction of materials from the Lunar Surface.

As the extraction takes place, the processing of the available metals will allow the construction of additional living and work space for the Lunar Base. The additional metal can be processed into other products for return to Earth Orbit or Lunar Orbit to build what ever is required. With the additional products the “Mass Driver” can be built and enlarged, electronic devices can be fabricated, additional Oxygen can be stored for Station use and for the “Service Station” and a Lunar surface “Fuel Depot”. Given sufficient Hydrogen sources available the second part of the Fuel Depot can be supplied and Water and additional power by “Fuel Cells” can be gained. “Fuel Cells” may also be used as the power for the construction vehicles during the Lunar Night.

New designs that will have to be created will include the “Space Tugs”, “Transfer Vehicles”, “Orbital Fuel Depot”, “Lunar Orbiter”, “Processing Machines” and new procedures for control of the system.

Once the first Settlement is built and operational, it is likely that more Settlements will be needed and there will be a need for transportation from one to the others. When we start this process of expansion we will need a dependable transportation source to move the material to the new site and begin the expansion.

With the advent of more than one Lunar Settlement there will have to be a way to get from one to another without using Rocket Powered Sub-Orbital Vehicles. The reason for a safer more reliable method of moving people and products from point to another on the surface of the moon is speed, safety and volume of movement.
With a Lunar surface based transport system the system can be operated on a schedule that will allow the transfer of material and personnel to be moved routinely from one point to another in comfort and safety.
I recommend the use of a Monorail type mover as the vehicle of choice. I also think that the Monorail should be a Magnetic Levitation type of drive power. The choice of the Maglev allows the use of the vehicle with little if any wear on the rail system and the Monorail cars. The Maglev Monorail will be levitated above the rail surface but not contacting it, therefore no wear and tear.
The Monorail system can be built as the new settlements are being built, either as a prelude to the actual building of the Settlement or as it is being built. I believe that it should be built prior to the actual construction of a new settlement. If it is built first then it can be used to transport the construction material and personnel to the new site in a construction train. This Construction train can have material transfer cars that are the equivalents of the Flat Cars and Box Cars of the Earth’s Rail Roads to move the materials.
The Monorail Construction Train can be designed so that the material cars can be at the forward part of the Train and as the Monorail system is built the “Train” moves up to the end of the line and moves the parts of the anchor system for the Monorail into position for setting. This can be accomplished by having an off train construction crew in a vehicle that can bore holes in the Lunar surface. Then the Construction train, using a specially designed crane arm, can lift the Vertical Stanchions off of the construction train and lower them into the Bore Holes, then it can lift the Cross piece into position and the parts can be secured. Then the Construction train, using a specially designed crane arm, can lift the Monorail section into place and secure it. The two bore holes of the appropriate size can be bored prior to the laying of the rails for the previous section of track. The vertical stanchions for the rails can be anchored with Regolith after the cross bar and rails are set. Additionally, a second rail can be installed at this time so that trains can be moving in both directions and pass each other without fear of collision. Once the boring crew finishes the bore holes it can move onto the next site and start boring the hole for it. As the previous site is finished up and the fill crew has back filled the bore holes that the vertical stanchions were placed in they can move onto the new site to repeat the process.
While this construction vehicles will have to be rugged enough to weather Solar Storms that occur. But as the rail line is build there can be places along the route that can be made into “Storm Shelters” for the later Monorails. These storm shelters can be adapted to many additions uses, such as places for Lunar Prospectors to gather for refitting, rest and recuperation, medical care and loading ore onto the Monorail for processing at a settlement.
As the Monorail line reaches the location of the new settlement it can build right on past the point and build a turn-a-round for the monorail so that it can return to the original departure point of the monorail on the second track that it build on the way out to the new settlement.
The next Monorail train into the site would have the construction materials for the initial work on the settlement along with a “Construction Hut” and the personnel to do the building and the immediate support personnel. As each new train arrives, more personnel can be brought in along with more construction material.
Communications with the different settlements can also be part of the Monorail system with Fiber Optic and/or Co-Axial cable networks. These networks can be placed along the underside of the Monorail system to protect them from electromagnetic and micrometeor damage.
By using the Monorail system, it will require less ground work to put in the system. No graded and surveyed embankments that add large amounts of man-hours and labor to do. The construction of the Monorail should prove to be more economical and quicker to complete with less danger to the construction crews.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


As the Lunar Orbital Station is developed it can also be used by the Tourism Business as a Near Lunar Hotel and later as a way station for the transfer of Tourists to the Lunar Surface to accommodations designed for them at the Lunar Stations.

As material is returned from the Moon Base it can be used to increase the capability and capacity of the International Space Station and/or can be used to increase the Commercial Station for specific use to expedite the moving on to the Planets and Asteroids as well as its use as a Tourist Hotel and way point.

Every thing learned in the building of the Lunar Settlement Stations should be directly applicable to the building of other Stations in the planetary system. New Stations may actually be built faster and more economically than the initial “Lunar Settlement Station” when the experience gained in building the first “Lunar Settlement Station” is utilized. This experience will extend to both the “Construction Shack” and the “Initial Permanent Station” and its Support Services.

In every case, the “Construction Shack” should go together quickly and easily with all of its electronics, power and plumbing for a “plug it in and run it” set up. All of the basic systems should be included twice in the equipment roster, along with all of the equipment to put the “Construction Shack” together initially. This should include Solar Cell and/or Fuel Cell powered construction equipment to build or assemble the “Construction Shack” and then cover it for protection from the Sun, Solar Storms and ambient radiation using the Regolith of the Moon’s surface. This same equipment can then be used to build the “Lunar Settlement Station” as the equipment to put the Station together becomes available.

Many examples of “Lunar Surface Stations” have been suggested over the years and some of them will probably be built. However the smaller, more efficient initial Stations will be the ones considered with their expansion based on their success. In time the “Lunar Settlement Station” and additional “Specialized Lunar Surface Stations” can become a manufacturing Mecca for producing Space Built Systems, mechanical components, electronics systems and New Drugs for the fight against disease. The manufacturing of items for use in Space and on the other bodies of the Solar System would be a prime reason for the Lunar Station to continue to grow in size and importance. When this happens then or even before that the development of a Lunar Surface Transportation System will have to be considered. On method for this will be discussed later in the Section Lunar Transportation systems.

Thursday, May 31, 2007




The developing of new technologies associated with Nanotechnology, new Nuclear Technologies, Mass Accelerators, “Bucky” tubes and such, should all aid in the more cost effective ways of moving back into and around our local planetary system, starting with an ‘immediate’ return to the moon. The financing of this project should come primarily from those that will, in the long run, benefit from the mining of metals and non-metals and the manufacturing on the Lunar Surface.

Also, the Tourist demand should be utilized to help defray the costs of building the system. The Tourists could be offered a way to pay to be able to name parts of the facilities, in memorial to a person or an event, both in space, and on the Lunar Surface. They could even be allowed to have their name and the date that they were in the facility inscribed on a plaque at the station or at the Lunar Settlement for a price, with the affirmation that the plaques would be maintained for the life of the facility. Even providing burial vaults for the ashes of their loved ones in burial crypts on the surface of the moon for a reasonable price.

There have been plans for the past 70 years, or so, on how to build Lunar facilities. Plans including multi-launches of cargo laden Rockets to build, equip, and man a self sufficient Moon station. The Moon Station must become self sufficient in as short of a time period as possible using available quantities of Hydrogen compounds and Oxygen compounds that are found on the Moon's surface and can be used to generate the power and water requirements of the Moon Station. Power for the Moon Station may also utilize the new technology of Nano-engineering of silicon compounds to make better, less expensive Solar Cells for the production of energy for two weeks at a time to charge an “Energy Bank” of specially designed batteries, and/or use a small Nuclear Reactor of one of the newer designs that won’t melt down if there is a malfunction. The first products developed by the Lunar Station(s) should necessarily be consumed by the Station itself with surpluses put to work building an infrastructure to place products in either low lunar orbit or high Earth orbit for retrieval by robotic or manned shuttles or “Space Tugs.” The method of placing the products in orbit at either point should need only a small amount of fuel for Orbital corrections. Mass Drivers should be built that can move masses of products, and it should be one of the first on-going projects of the Lunar Facility. The size of the system will be increased as more material becomes available.

To support the effort to build and man a Lunar Station will require a moderate presence in low Earth Orbit initially to process the gear destined for the Moon. The initial station can serve as a small Tourist Hotel in Space by adding inflatable sections such as the ones proposed by Bigelow Aerospace Systems. There the Tourists can have a first hand look at the preparations for the return to the Moon and then the reach for Mars. Eventually the station will support the commercial Mars Missions.

There will need to be “Space Tugs” to move items around that will be too massive for a lone man to move without mechanical help. The wasting of Booster tanks and Fuel and Oxidizer Tanks has to stop. Everything that goes into orbit must be conserved and reused economically. As early as engineeringly possible “Mass Drivers” should be built on the Earth’s surface that can move materials into Earth orbit with only a small use of rockets to control and finalize the orbit. The manufacture of a “Mass Driver” based in the western mountains of the United States should be one of the higher priorities for the return to the Moon.

The Mass Drivers can throw all types of materials into low or high Earth orbit so long as the cargo is acceleration resistant. The fuels needed by the orbital “Service Station” can be delivered in bulk form with the use of the “Mass Driver.”

The non-use of any carrier item is an unnecessary loses of resources that can be used to increase the size and usability of the Space Station, including the rooms and environment for the Space Tourists. This expansion can also act as a service station, a sort of "Truck Stop" for Astronauts operating the “Space Tugs” and inter-orbital shuttles "Transfer Ships,” between low Earth orbit and lunar orbit as needed. There will be a need for “Service Stations” in both orbits. The Fuel and Oxidizer not expended by launch vehicles can be recovered and stored in the “Service Stations” for use at a later date. A “Manned Lander” will be required for personnel transfers to the surface of the Moon and return from the surface. There is a requirement for an orbital “Service Station” at the “Lunar Orbital Site” for the "Manned Landers". Sufficient fuel and oxidizers for the “Lunar Landers” need to be at the “Lunar Orbital Station” to move the station’s personnel to the “Lunar Surface Station” in case of Solar Flares so they can “Hunker Down” until the Storm is over.

Monday, May 28, 2007


Chapter 1

As we begin the 21st Century, our society is being blind sided by a Natural Resources Short Fall.

According to a report by Martin Weiss to members of his Newsletter, we are currently consuming 22% more than the planet Earth can generate. This is a chronic deficit that threatens to drive up the value of natural resources for the rest of our life time and well beyond.

As a result of this growing and chronic short fall with Natural Resources the longer we wait to exploit the planets of our system and more importantly the ‘Minor’ planets in the Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and the moons of the Major Planets, the further behind we will be in the race to maintain our place in the world of Technology. We can maintain our life style by utilizing this Systems vast, but, finitely limited resources.

As things are right now, on average it takes 2.2 hectares (22,000 square Meters, or approximately 3.45 acres) to support each person on the planet. The resources available are coming from the equivalent of 1.8 hectares. This is a resource deficit of 0.4 hectares per person, or roughly 22% deficit.

In the more developed countries the Natural Resource Deficit is even more severe. In the United States for example, our natural resource deficit is closer to 106%. In other words we are using twice as much water, food and energy as we can generate. Germany is consuming 2.4 times it’s capacity, the United Kingdom is consuming 3.5 times as much and Japan, a resource poor country, is consuming a whooping 5.4 times as much as they can generate. These short falls include Food, Metals, Petroleum, and non-edible agro-cultural products and anything else that you can think of.

We have to consider the future when the ‘Third World Countries’ start approaching the consumption of the Developed Countries. What then?

Do we try to recycle everything that we use to recover as nearly to a 100% of the original natural resource? The recycling of everything would be totally impossible. Or do we put our Technology to work developing ways to generate new sources for Metals, Chemicals, Plastics, Ceramics, Pharmaceuticals, Power and Technological Products.

As for the shortfall in energy products we have to start developing the technologies and incorporating them into daily use; Wind Power, Solar Power, Wave Power, Nuclear Power and the use of Orbital Solar Power plants. For the metals and ceramics that we need we need to utilize our Technology to return to the Moon and to Mars and beyond. We will require the minerals and ores of the Moon, and other space resources. Why, because we are not going to be able to supply the Planet’s requirements nor the requirements of our move into space from only the Earth.

To further point out the economic liability of moving everything used in space from the Earth to Low Earth Orbit (LEO), it is twenty-two (22) times more expensive to lift from the Earth to orbit than it is to lift items from the Moon to LEO. This means that you could place 220 tons of material from the Moon in LEO for the price of 10 tons from the surface of the earth to LEO.


Friday, May 25, 2007


Time to change pace again.

Tuesday after the Memorial Day Holiday I will start a new line of daily spots.

These spots will cover various items in the settlement of the Moon by human kind.
I and You can discuss various reasons why we should or should not settle the Moon. Enviromental, Economic and Political reasons are fair game as long as all comments are civil.

If you are a member of a Rocketry Club I would like to talk to you as well as members of Astronomy Clubs, we can even set up a schedule for your meetings and activities here, if you want to.

Tuesday, I will transfer all 12 of the Lavatube Questions to it’s own Blog and open up the space for what is coming.


Friday, May 11, 2007


We will be transitioning again to a new subject. In this case it will be Questions about Lava Tubes on the Moon and their use in the settlement of the Moon.

All of the 15 questions about settling the Moon will be transfered to a seperate Blog of that subject for quick reference and retrievablity.

The new blog is www.moonsettlements.blogspot.com for the 15 questions on settling the Moon.


Friday, May 4, 2007


It was announced thursday night that Wally Schirra, one of the original Mercury Astronauts had died in San Diego, California. He was the only mercury Astronaut to participate in the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs.

It was stated in the newspapers today that he had a Heart Attack at 84 years of age.

The only surviving Mercury Astronauts are John Glenn and Scott Carpenter.

So long Wally, we will miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007



If you remember, earlier in this series of posts in the "What If We" portion I suggested that we might build a Mass Driver in the mountains of the Western United States to throw hard cargo into orbit using a Booster Rocket at the appogee of the orbit to match a satellite already in orbit. At the time I did not suggest how we might power that Mass Driver so that there was the Energy to do the job of putting the cargo into orbit.

There are several ways to do it, Nuclear, Solar, Hyrocarbon, Hydro Power and Wind Power. How ever I would suggest that Wind Power Generators built in the valleys between mountains should be used to generate the power to do the job. Launches would probably be one a week unless something important came up and the energy converted from Kenitic (blowing wind) could be stored in a large bank of Batteries or Capacitors (Potential Energy) until needed.

Any thoughts?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


On April 26, I will start posting 15 questions on Settling the Moon, at one question a day.

The information in the 20 questions on Lunar resources will still be available at www.lunarresources.blogspot.com.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007


As the concern for energy availability continues to grow and the prices continue to climb we can do something to help ease the problem. We can cut back some more on our driving, or we can buy an Electric Golf Cart for all of the short shopping runs that we make daily and then recharge the carts when the are not in use. This soulition raises another concern, Where do we get the extra electricity to recharge the Carts without causing as much damage to our already meager energy supplies.

One answer is to build more Wind Generators.
A second answer is to build more Solar generation plants.
A third answer is more Nuclear Power Plants.
A fourth answer is to build Wave Generators along the coast to capture the energy of waves.
A fifth answer is Solar systems in orbit to collect energy and beam it to Planetary Sites for distribution to users.
A sixth answer is to build a combination of these generating plants.

But if we don't do something we will be without the nice things that we have now. When that happens, you will be walking, or riding a bicycle, or riding a horse, or who knows what.

One of the reasons for going back to the Moon is to harvest the Helium isotopes there to generate Power.

All we have to do is get the Government out of the way and the people involved in the work that needs to be done.

Monday, April 2, 2007


This past weekend I asked a group of Peoria Fire Fighters to visit this site and comment on how to safe guard against Fire in a Moon Settlement.

I am looking forward to their comments and the approach to the problem by professional Fire Fighters.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Space Junk - Debris

The very Real possibility of collisions with leftover parts of previous launches, Space Debris, is a growing concern for our Space Programs. Ways must be developed to decrease the amount of junk in orbit. Collection systems need to be developed, or a way to deorbit the junk, or to vaporize it in orbit.

If it is collected then it can be recycled for the planet's benefit or the Moon's benefit.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with the problem?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


If any of you would like to sponsor an Outreach Program for your School or Organization, please feel free to contact me at Portercd@msn.com.

Over the Summer I will be adding several different items to my presentation, i.e. a small Mass Accelerator (with limited capabilities), Models of various Vehicles, facilities, etc.

If any of you have any ideas that you would like to include, please contact me.


If any of you would like to sponsor an Outreach Program for your School or Organization, please feel free to contact me at Portercd@msn.com.

Over the Summer I will be adding several different items to my presentation, i.e. a small Mass Accelerator (with limited capabilities), Models of various Vehicles, facilities, etc.

If any of you have any ideas that you would like to include, please contact me.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Moon Society Outreach opportunity

The Outpost is preparing to deliver an informational program at one of the local Charter Schools, Omega Academy, up on Confirmation by the Dean of Students. The presentation will include the history of manned Lunar Missions. What the Moon Society is and what we do. And it will include a lot of the What Ifs in this Blog and how they can be implemented to make a return to the Moon a Success. At this time the date of the Presentation is unknown, but the Dean is planning on it being before their Science Fair in April.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Watch for an upcoming e-book on the return to the Moon that is related to the subjects of the What Ifs in this Blog. There will also be an expansion of the Lunar Transport System discription and mission.

A thought:



Monday, February 26, 2007


What if we tied all of these facilities together with MagLev Monorail with shelter Stations along the way for protection from Solar Storms?

a) What if we built a MagLev Monorail system on the Lunar Surface to move personnel around from Facility to Facility without having to use ballistic methods and their inherent hazards?

b) What if we built Storm Shelters along the system to allow the Vehicles to stop and weather out Solar Storms if need be?

c) What if we allowed these Storm Shelters to be developed into prospecting hubs for prospecting the surface for more minerals?

Saturday, February 17, 2007


What if we built a Mass accelerator in the Western U.S. to launch unmanned cargo into orbit?

a) What would the physical dimensions have to be for the Mass Accelerator?

b) What would the Energy requirements be?

c) What would be required to keep the MA operational through out the year?

d) What would the acceleration have to be for the physical length of the MA?

e) What would be the restrainments be on the size of the MA?

f) What would it require, a Booster Rocket or a Hyper-Sonic Air-breathing engine to finish getting it into orbit, if so what size/rating?

g) What would be required to position it in a prescribed Orbit?

h) What would have to be done to protect the MD from the weather and wildlife?


What if we only launched men into Space in Flyable Shuttles that could return to any standard airport?

a) What would be required to make it work?

b) What style would we build?

c) What would the Power plant be?

d) What we do to make reentry less taxing on the airframe?

e) What would be required to be able to dock with various vehicles in Space?

f) What type of Material would we use to build the shuttle?


What if we created standardized launch packages for resupply missions to the ISS?

a) What would their requirements be?

b) What if the interior of the quadrants and of specified depth so that prepackaged

c) supplies could be loaded by robotic systems and secured prior to launch?

d) What would it take to make this system compatible with the MA concept?

e) What if the standardized launch packages were of different designs so that totally different loads could be launched at about the same cost?

f) What if the launch vehicles were designed to be used in space as part of the construction of the Space facility?


What if we designed launch vehicles to be used in space to expand orbital facilities?

a) What if the launch vehicles were designed to be coupled together to form a larger module?

b) What if the launch vehicles were prewired with power and communication cabling to allow them to be hooked into the system as soon as they were interconnected?

c) What if they were also designed to be easily put together using the facilities assembly arm?

Friday, February 16, 2007


What if we designed launch vehicles to be used in space to be adapted to land equipment on the Moon, Mars and/or other planetary bodies?

a) What if the launch vehicles were designed to be coupled together to form landing vehicles for the Moon, Mars or other planetary bodies?

b) What if the vehicles could be remotely controlled for landings so that they could be landed and then the manned vehicles could be landed?

c) What if the Hybrid landing vehicles could then be decoupled and lowered to the surface separately and then moved into place and coupled together into a facility to operate out of?

d) What if the frame work for the hybrid vehicles were the basic parts of a MA to return items to the earth?


What if we required that all Equipment launches from Earth be stopped as soon as the facilities on the Moon were capable of replacing the equipment launches from the Earth?

a) What if we stopped high cost lifts from the Earth as soon as Moom Facilities were up and running at a reasonable part of capability to supply the orbital facilities?

b) What if the only lifts then were high priority equipment and personnel from the earth?


What if we used the facilities on the Moon to manufacture the equipment needed to build the Space Elevator?

a) What if we were to fabricate the materials to build a “Space Elevator” at the Lunar Facilities and launched the components into Synchronous Orbit for assembly?

b) What if we expanded the Lunar Facilities to build “Space Elevators” for other bodies in the Solar System that we want to have the “Elevators”?


What if we built several facilities on the Moon for different purposes, Manufacturing, Astronomy, Research, Farming, Medicine and other things?

a) What if we built a facility designed to be a food production center, or even several facilities to insure that food wise the Lunar Settlements would be self sufficient?

b) What if we also built one or more centers for manufacturing and other type specialty centers, primarily to diversify the facilities on the Lunar surface?

c) What if we allow enough extra room in each facility that if one has to be evacuated then the others can pick up the increase in population on a temporary basis?

d) What if we laid Fiber Optic Cable between the facilities so that there would be uninterrupted communication between them?