SPACEFEST 2007 is over, there were three days of lectures about Space, lots of Astronauts to sign autographs and take pictures with and of. Along with lots of Vendors and information booths.
For those that missed it, you missed a good time.

Special Local Space Events:
Further Information when available.
(Still on going planning for Races.)
The Moon Society Phoenix is still working on the Teleprecense Remote Control races.
Check this blog for details as they develop.
We are still discussing set-ups, rules, equipment and sponsorship rules at this time and it appears that the races wont occur until sometime in the late winter or early spring.
All races will be open to all comers, however, judging maybe bases on age and type (cost) of RV Car. If you prefer to buy your own car and practice for the races, then you will need a three (3) channel RC Car that can be purchased at Walmart, Target or another store. You will need a minature TV camera, a transmitter, a receiver and a device to display the picture from the Car so that you can practice driving the Car by use of the TV System only.
In the talking stages are basic racing, advanced races, and the Lunar Challenge, race heats may be run against the clock and/or one on one or more.
If you have comments and suggestions please make your comments to this blog or send them to me at Subject RC Racing.
Demonstrations of the Race Cars will be available at CopperCon32 at the Moon Society Outreach Table.
Further Information when available.
(Still on going planning for Races.)
The Moon Society Phoenix is still working on the Teleprecense Remote Control races.
Check this blog for details as they develop.
We are still discussing set-ups, rules, equipment and sponsorship rules at this time and it appears that the races wont occur until sometime in the late winter or early spring.
All races will be open to all comers, however, judging maybe bases on age and type (cost) of RV Car. If you prefer to buy your own car and practice for the races, then you will need a three (3) channel RC Car that can be purchased at Walmart, Target or another store. You will need a minature TV camera, a transmitter, a receiver and a device to display the picture from the Car so that you can practice driving the Car by use of the TV System only.
In the talking stages are basic racing, advanced races, and the Lunar Challenge, race heats may be run against the clock and/or one on one or more.
If you have comments and suggestions please make your comments to this blog or send them to me at Subject RC Racing.
Demonstrations of the Race Cars will be available at CopperCon32 at the Moon Society Outreach Table.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Is that a light on the Moon!
This is a presentation given by Mr Lesher earlier this year and he has graciously allowed me to put it in my blog for you to enjoy!
Is that a light on the moon!
By Charles Lesher
One night in the not so distant future, Americans will look up to behold lights burning on the darkside of the moon... but whose will they be? I question if America has the tenacity to build a permanent presence on the moon. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are draining our resources leaving very little for anything else and the investment in the infrastructure necessary to create a self-sufficient outpost on the moon is substantial over many years and many governments. Budgets agreed upon in one Congress, are radically altered, or canceled in the next. I fear the first lights on the moon will not be American. We simply do not have the political will to see it through.
Many reasonable and intelligent people ask why should we care? America has enough to worry about with problems right here in front of us. They say that money for space colonization would be better spent feeding the hungry, obtaining medical care for everyone, solving the energy crisis, and a hundred other issues that are without question, very important. I submit that this is a very shortsighted view. Space has the resources not only to make it profitable, but highly desirable, to go there. Solar energy alone could solve the world’s dependence on oil. There are asteroids the size of mountains made of iron and nickel, resources we have not begun to tap and most importantly, elbow room to expand.
Earth is like a potted plant that is becoming root bound. 6.6 billion people share this planet with more arriving every day. I have read predictions that population in 2050 will stabilize around 10 billion. Others say it could exceed 20 billion. While world population skyrockets, oil dependence weakens America even as it triggers climate change and rising sea levels. Where will we find the food, water, and housing for all of these people under such conditions? How will we cope with wars fought over basic necessities? Where can we go to relieve this pressure? Humanity occupies every continent. There are no more New Worlds to explore and claim for our own. Or are there?
Americans should be aware that others are eyeing the moon with lustful intent. China, Japan, India, and the European Union all have aggressive plans to establish a permanent lunar colony sometime in the early ‘20s. Currently, America’s space plan calls for a return mission in 2015 and a permanent base by 2024. Instead of properly funding the effort, the Bush administration has borrowed from Peter to pay Paul, forcing NASA to restructure its internal budget to fund the Presidents directive. Planetary science missions, climate studies, and a host of other valuable and needed projects, find themselves strapped for cash or worse, cancelled entirely. With the situation we find ourselves in, I have grave doubts that America can sustain the funding necessary to put lights on the moon.
As a child, I watched Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon. I consumed science fiction paperback novels and was hooked on Star Trek. In the summer of ‘69 nothing seemed impossible and I wanted to be part of humanity’s expansion into the high frontier. I believed it was inevitable. Today, I don’t think it will be Americans turning on the lights of the New World and this failure will mark the end of American leadership. It will be other nations who profit, other people who push the boundaries, others who lead… We will follow…
Here is where I find one glimmer of hope remaining. America is a nation of responders. We allow ourselves to be distracted until something comes along that shakes us out of our lethargy. Only then will we mobilize. It has happened before. In 1957, Americans were cruising on autopilot having won WWII, gotten a handle on the Korea War, and enjoying an economy humming along nicely. Then along came Sputnik, shaking America to its core. That night, Americans looked up to behold a shooting star in the heavens.
To some of them, this was a Russian invasion, an in-your-face threat to their way of life. America responded by not only catching up with the Russians, but in surpassing them. Twelve years after Sputnik, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. Those dozen years encompass some of the most vibrant technical growth in the history of science. America still enjoys the fruits of that labor. However, we failed to follow our success and let the achievement pass into history. But if humanity can avoid Armageddon, someday a nation will make the sacrifice and claim Luna for their own.
Until then, I visit the moon everyday in my dreams, writing about people living in a society not yet realized. They face the same evils we face today, religion threatening to consume democracy, an American president who would be king, and a Muslim empire growing increasingly strong and intolerant. They struggle through their lives and fight for their freedoms just as citizens have done throughout history. Writing speculative fiction is my way of realizing my dream, my way of sharing hope for our future.
Charles Lesher is the author of Evolution’s Child, a speculative fiction novel about the near future, available at all major online and walkup outlets. Mr. Lesher holds a BS in Aerospace Engineering and an MS in Materials Science.
Is that a light on the moon!
By Charles Lesher
One night in the not so distant future, Americans will look up to behold lights burning on the darkside of the moon... but whose will they be? I question if America has the tenacity to build a permanent presence on the moon. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are draining our resources leaving very little for anything else and the investment in the infrastructure necessary to create a self-sufficient outpost on the moon is substantial over many years and many governments. Budgets agreed upon in one Congress, are radically altered, or canceled in the next. I fear the first lights on the moon will not be American. We simply do not have the political will to see it through.
Many reasonable and intelligent people ask why should we care? America has enough to worry about with problems right here in front of us. They say that money for space colonization would be better spent feeding the hungry, obtaining medical care for everyone, solving the energy crisis, and a hundred other issues that are without question, very important. I submit that this is a very shortsighted view. Space has the resources not only to make it profitable, but highly desirable, to go there. Solar energy alone could solve the world’s dependence on oil. There are asteroids the size of mountains made of iron and nickel, resources we have not begun to tap and most importantly, elbow room to expand.
Earth is like a potted plant that is becoming root bound. 6.6 billion people share this planet with more arriving every day. I have read predictions that population in 2050 will stabilize around 10 billion. Others say it could exceed 20 billion. While world population skyrockets, oil dependence weakens America even as it triggers climate change and rising sea levels. Where will we find the food, water, and housing for all of these people under such conditions? How will we cope with wars fought over basic necessities? Where can we go to relieve this pressure? Humanity occupies every continent. There are no more New Worlds to explore and claim for our own. Or are there?
Americans should be aware that others are eyeing the moon with lustful intent. China, Japan, India, and the European Union all have aggressive plans to establish a permanent lunar colony sometime in the early ‘20s. Currently, America’s space plan calls for a return mission in 2015 and a permanent base by 2024. Instead of properly funding the effort, the Bush administration has borrowed from Peter to pay Paul, forcing NASA to restructure its internal budget to fund the Presidents directive. Planetary science missions, climate studies, and a host of other valuable and needed projects, find themselves strapped for cash or worse, cancelled entirely. With the situation we find ourselves in, I have grave doubts that America can sustain the funding necessary to put lights on the moon.
As a child, I watched Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon. I consumed science fiction paperback novels and was hooked on Star Trek. In the summer of ‘69 nothing seemed impossible and I wanted to be part of humanity’s expansion into the high frontier. I believed it was inevitable. Today, I don’t think it will be Americans turning on the lights of the New World and this failure will mark the end of American leadership. It will be other nations who profit, other people who push the boundaries, others who lead… We will follow…
Here is where I find one glimmer of hope remaining. America is a nation of responders. We allow ourselves to be distracted until something comes along that shakes us out of our lethargy. Only then will we mobilize. It has happened before. In 1957, Americans were cruising on autopilot having won WWII, gotten a handle on the Korea War, and enjoying an economy humming along nicely. Then along came Sputnik, shaking America to its core. That night, Americans looked up to behold a shooting star in the heavens.
To some of them, this was a Russian invasion, an in-your-face threat to their way of life. America responded by not only catching up with the Russians, but in surpassing them. Twelve years after Sputnik, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. Those dozen years encompass some of the most vibrant technical growth in the history of science. America still enjoys the fruits of that labor. However, we failed to follow our success and let the achievement pass into history. But if humanity can avoid Armageddon, someday a nation will make the sacrifice and claim Luna for their own.
Until then, I visit the moon everyday in my dreams, writing about people living in a society not yet realized. They face the same evils we face today, religion threatening to consume democracy, an American president who would be king, and a Muslim empire growing increasingly strong and intolerant. They struggle through their lives and fight for their freedoms just as citizens have done throughout history. Writing speculative fiction is my way of realizing my dream, my way of sharing hope for our future.
Charles Lesher is the author of Evolution’s Child, a speculative fiction novel about the near future, available at all major online and walkup outlets. Mr. Lesher holds a BS in Aerospace Engineering and an MS in Materials Science.
Friday, August 3, 2007
For all of these answers see the listing below:
How many landings on the Moon have occurred since the beginning of the exploration of Space?
What countries made those landings?
Were the landings successful?
Were they Hard or Soft?
Which were Manned?
1959:..Lunar 2......Sept 12.....Impact........................Russia
..........Lunar 3......Oct 4.........Probe..........................Russia
1962:..Ranger 4....Apr 23.......Impact........................USA
1964:..Ranger 6....Jan 30.......Impact.......................USA
..........Ranger 7....Jul 28........Impact........................USA
1965:..Ranger 8....Feb 17.......Impact........................USA
..........Ranger 9....Mar 21.......Impact........................USA
..........Lunar 5......May 9........Impact........................Russia
..........Lunar 6......Jun 8.........Attempted Lander....Russia
..........Lunar 7......Oct 4..........Impact........................Russia
..........Lunar 8......Dec 3.........Impact........................Russia
1966:..Lunar 9......Jan 31........Lander........................Russia
..........Surveyor 1.May 30.......Lander........................USA
..........Surveyor 2.Sep 20.......Attempted Lander....USA
..........Lunar 13.....Dec 21......Lander.........................Russia
1967:..Surveyor 3.Apr 17.......Lander........................USA
..........Surveyor 4.Jul 14.........Attempted Lander....USA
..........Surveyor 5.Sept 8........Lander.........................USA
..........Surveyor 6.Nov 7.........Lander.........................USA
1968:..Surveyor 7.Jan 7.........Lander.........................USA
..........Zond 5.......Sept 15......Return Probe..............Russia
..........Zond 6.......Nov 10.......Return Probe.............Russia
1969:..Apollo 11....Jul 16.......Crewed Lander.........USA
..........Zond 7........Aug 7.......Return Probe.............Russia
..........Apollo 12....Nov 14.......Crewed Lander.........USA
1970:..Lunar 16....Sept 12......Lander........................Russia
..........Zond 8.......Oct 20.......Return Probe.............Russia
..........Lunar 17....Nov 10......Rover..........................Russia
1971:..Apollo 14....Jan 31......Crewed Lander..........USA
..........Apollo 15....Jul 26........Crewed Lander..........USA
..........Lunar 18....Sept 2........Impact........................Russia
1972:..Lunar 20....Feb 14.......Lander........................Russia
..........Apollo 16....Apr 16.......Crewed Lander.........USA
..........Apollo 17....Dec 7........Crewed Lander.........USA
1973:..Lunar 21....Jan 8..........Rover..........................Russia
1974:..Lunar 23....Oct 28........Lander.......................Russia
1976:..Lunar 24....Aug 14.......Sample Return..........Russia
For all of these answers see the listing below:
How many landings on the Moon have occurred since the beginning of the exploration of Space?
What countries made those landings?
Were the landings successful?
Were they Hard or Soft?
Which were Manned?
1959:..Lunar 2......Sept 12.....Impact........................Russia
..........Lunar 3......Oct 4.........Probe..........................Russia
1962:..Ranger 4....Apr 23.......Impact........................USA
1964:..Ranger 6....Jan 30.......Impact.......................USA
..........Ranger 7....Jul 28........Impact........................USA
1965:..Ranger 8....Feb 17.......Impact........................USA
..........Ranger 9....Mar 21.......Impact........................USA
..........Lunar 5......May 9........Impact........................Russia
..........Lunar 6......Jun 8.........Attempted Lander....Russia
..........Lunar 7......Oct 4..........Impact........................Russia
..........Lunar 8......Dec 3.........Impact........................Russia
1966:..Lunar 9......Jan 31........Lander........................Russia
..........Surveyor 1.May 30.......Lander........................USA
..........Surveyor 2.Sep 20.......Attempted Lander....USA
..........Lunar 13.....Dec 21......Lander.........................Russia
1967:..Surveyor 3.Apr 17.......Lander........................USA
..........Surveyor 4.Jul 14.........Attempted Lander....USA
..........Surveyor 5.Sept 8........Lander.........................USA
..........Surveyor 6.Nov 7.........Lander.........................USA
1968:..Surveyor 7.Jan 7.........Lander.........................USA
..........Zond 5.......Sept 15......Return Probe..............Russia
..........Zond 6.......Nov 10.......Return Probe.............Russia
1969:..Apollo 11....Jul 16.......Crewed Lander.........USA
..........Zond 7........Aug 7.......Return Probe.............Russia
..........Apollo 12....Nov 14.......Crewed Lander.........USA
1970:..Lunar 16....Sept 12......Lander........................Russia
..........Zond 8.......Oct 20.......Return Probe.............Russia
..........Lunar 17....Nov 10......Rover..........................Russia
1971:..Apollo 14....Jan 31......Crewed Lander..........USA
..........Apollo 15....Jul 26........Crewed Lander..........USA
..........Lunar 18....Sept 2........Impact........................Russia
1972:..Lunar 20....Feb 14.......Lander........................Russia
..........Apollo 16....Apr 16.......Crewed Lander.........USA
..........Apollo 17....Dec 7........Crewed Lander.........USA
1973:..Lunar 21....Jan 8..........Rover..........................Russia
1974:..Lunar 23....Oct 28........Lander.......................Russia
1976:..Lunar 24....Aug 14.......Sample Return..........Russia
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
How many landings on the Moon have occurred since the beginning of the exploration of Space?
What countries made those landings?
Were the landings successful?
Were they Hard or Soft?
Which were Manned?
Answers Friday, August 3rd.
How many landings on the Moon have occurred since the beginning of the exploration of Space?
What countries made those landings?
Were the landings successful?
Were they Hard or Soft?
Which were Manned?
Answers Friday, August 3rd.
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